Carolyn is a retired mathematician and actuary, with strong mathematical and project management experience. In 2009, Carolyn was the primary international contact for a $350,000, four-year Rotary 3-H grant to promote economic development in Zimbabwe. The RI reviewer of that highly successful grant called it a model for all grants, in that it changed the participants’ attitudes. She served three years as an Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator in Zone 26/27 assisting districts and clubs with their grant work. She served nine years as Chair of the D5450 Grants sub-committee, during which time she reviewed and helped improve approximately 100 Global Grant applications. She continues that work as the D5450 Global Grants Reviewer and also serves as a Financial Auditor for the Cadre in North America. Carolyn is a member of The Rotary Foundation Programs Committee, the advisory committee to TRF Trustees on all matters related to Foundation Programs. She provides a unique insight about Rotary programs to the Committee from the perspective of a participant in the programs.