Art Harrington has spent a lifetime working with youth and working to develop leaders in Rotary and beyond. His professional and Rotary accomplishments and experience eminently qualify Art to advise and consult with Rotarians, clubs, and districts on Rotary youth programs, particularly Interact. A Rotarian for several decades, Art has a doctorate in Administration with specialty in leadership development; he is a retired pastor; as an author he has written on leadership and working successfully with volunteers; and he and his Rotarian wife Sharon have a tax and accounting business. Art served as DG in D5510 (now D5495) in 1998-99. He served as a Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator and an International Training Leader. Currently, Art serves as the D5495 Interact Chair. He also serves on the Zone 26, 27 Rotary Youth Services Task Force as a specialist in Interact. In addition, Art is on the Steering Committee for the Worldwide District Interact Chairs Association. Art and Sharon are members of the Rotary Club of Prescott Sunup in D5495, northern Arizona.