Wade is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Carpinteria Morning in District 5240, in the Santa Barbara, California area. He served as District Governor in 2011-12 and Chair of the District Rotary Foundation Committee in 2015-19. Wade has served in several capacities on the Cadre of Technical Advisors for Rotary Foundation grants, including three years as Technical Coordinator for WASH (Water and Sanitation, Hygiene); three years as the Regional Organizer for North America; and five years on the TRF Long Term Planning Committee for Cadres. He currently is in a three-year term as Advisor for the seven Cadre Regional Organizers. Using his Spanish language ability, Wade has advised or evaluated over 200 Rotary projects around the world. He can assist clubs and districts in all phases of successfully planning and implementing Global Grants. In addition, he can offer guidance on how to use the Cadre most effectively.