Currently a member of the Rotary E-Club of World Peace in D5330, Rudy is past president of the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead Mountain Sunrise and served as District Governor of D5330 in 2015-16. Rudy has great experience as a Rotary trainer. He has been an RLI facilitator, PETS facilitator, District Trainer, and leader of a VTT to Haiti in 2015. He has organized and convened several significant events to promote world peace, including the 2016 Rotary World Peace Conference in Ontario, California; Program Chair for the Presidential Peace Conference before the 2017 RI Convention in Atlanta; and convener of the 2020 Rotary Peace Conference, also in Ontario, California. Rudy and his Rotarian wife Karyn are Major Donors to the Rotary Foundation and members of the D5330 PolioPlus Society. Rudy is a recipient of the Service Above Self Award. He will serve as Chair of the D5330 District Rotary Foundation Committee in 2026-29.