Founded Peacebuilder Clubs in D5100 in 2011 (adopted in 2018 by RAGFP), participated in growing PB Clubs program in D5100 to 37 clubs D5100 Peace Fellow Subcommittee Chair, Became a certified IEP Positive Peace Activator in August 2024. Spearheaded installation of over 50 Peace Poles in Newberg in 2017 -now grown to over 80. Have been making presentations to Rotary Clubs, Rotary conferences and training seminars throughout the West Coast regarding Rotary’s history of Peace and sharing recommended Peace program and project participation to Rotarians. Serve on the BOD of Partnering For Peace, a joint rotary-US Peace Corps collaboration to enhance Rotary projects (primarily) overseas. Serve on the steering committee of “ENDING WAR 101”, an online and in-person education tool to educate about the advantages of non-violent conflict resolution.